Four Year

Four Year Visit

Vaccine: DTaP, Polio, MMR, Chickenpox

Your 4-year-old is exploring their environment and to have increasing social interactions. Play remains critical to social development. Your child will like being with friends and will start to require less adult supervision.
Children develop at their own pace, so it’s impossible to tell exactly when yours will learn a given skill. The developmental milestones below will give you a general idea of the changes you can expect as your child gets older, but don’t be alarmed if your child takes a slightly different course.
  • Four- to five-word sentences are used most of the time
  • tells a story
  • count up to four objects
  • dress without assistance (except tying the shoes)
  • can distinguish between genders and might engage in male-female role play
  • can copy a cross and circle

At this visit you should expect your child to
  • have hearing and vision screening performed
  • have blood pressure taken
  • four can be a challenging visit vaccine wise as there are four booster vaccines given (Dtap, polio, MMR and chicken pox). It is important to be honest with your child about receiving vaccines. Visit our how to prepare your child for the visit (link) for more information and tips
Safety Tips
  • your child should always wear a helmet while riding a bicycle or scooter
  • discuss stranger safety
  • Check to make sure playground equipment is secure. Look for loose parts
  • Your child should never swim without supervision
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